Month-old timelapse video falsely linked to 'flooding in southern India'

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2024-08-13 06:06:38

The real story of the news website accused of fuelling riots

The BBC tracks down a Canadian hockey player, a dad in Pakistan and a Texan named Kevin linked to Channel3Now.
2024-08-08 02:06:28

Old photo of mock coffins in Karachi falsely linked to Pakistan tribal feud

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2024-08-07 07:07:23

Two men charged over alleged Russia-linked arson plot

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2024-08-03 17:06:41

Watch: BBC reports from Sunderland as protesters cause chaos

Cars were set alight, and beer cans and stones thrown at police at a demonstration linked to the Southport knife attack.
2024-08-03 01:07:16

Old photo of collapsed police officer falsely linked to China floods

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2024-07-29 10:09:26

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2024-07-21 01:06:20

Passive income scam falsely linked to Royal Bank of Canada

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2024-07-19 00:06:55

Mother of girl whose death was linked to pollution wants apology

Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah says she wants an apology as her High Court claim heads to trial.
2024-07-16 02:10:03

Old photo of pink dress on Turkey grave falsely linked to Gaza war

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2024-07-08 04:06:45

Major hospital safety incident linked to Kevin Campbell's death

The former Arsenal and Everton star died at Manchester Royal Infirmary a month after his admission.
2024-07-04 14:07:43

Old video of Sri Lanka cargo ship fire falsely linked to Huthi attack

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2024-07-04 12:08:18

Total of 163 families linked to funeral home inquiry

Officers investigating Legacy Independent Funeral Directors are making contact with those affected.
2024-07-01 08:09:15

Old video of Ghana fire festival falsely linked to Kenyan tax bill protests

Post Content
2024-06-28 15:08:05

Person dies in UK E. coli outbreak linked to salad

It follows a recent outbreak thought to be linked to supermarket sandwiches containing salad leaves.
2024-06-28 01:06:42

Person dies in UK E. coli outbreak linked to salad

It follows a recent outbreak thought to be linked to supermarket sandwiches containing salad leaves.
2024-06-27 16:08:10

SBU detains priest of Kremlin-linked church over selling arms

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2023-09-26 12:40:48

Uganda on alert as IS-linked ADF militants cross border from DR Congo

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2024-03-19 11:10:38

Using Computers Strongly Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

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2024-03-21 00:06:53

'We owe our children': Grieving parents say social media costs lives

Bereaved families whose children's deaths were linked to social media are sharing their stories with the BBC.
2024-05-08 09:08:33

Ukraine Recap: Russia Makes Big Push Toward Bakhmut and Avdiivka

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2023-11-12 19:13:36

Luxury perfumes linked to child labour, BBC finds

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2024-05-28 04:06:39

Property register fines worth ?1bn not yet imposed

Thousands of foreign firms, some linked to Russian oligarchs, are breaking a new UK transparency law.
2023-05-18 09:11:30

Indonesia cough syrup maker boss jailed after child deaths

The pharmaceutical firm, Afi Farma, has been linked to the deaths of more than 200 Indonesian children.
2023-11-02 05:06:32

King's tie features Greek flag after Parthenon sculptures row

Royal sources say the tie was a coincidence and not linked to Rishi Sunak's spat with the Greek PM.
2023-12-01 21:10:44

Be hopeful on bad days, head teacher Ruth Perry told pupils

The head teacher, whose suicide was linked to an Ofsted visit, recorded a video message in lockdown.
2024-04-05 16:09:35

Deadly Africa heat caused by human-induced warming

Extreme heat linked to the deaths of hundreds of people would not have happened without global warming.
2024-04-18 07:09:14

The fast-fashion firm has been linked to unethical practices, including claims of forced labour.
2024-06-03 09:08:17

Madeleine McCann: German police say objects analysed after Portugal search

Officials say it is not clear if items found at a reservoir in Portugal are linked to the missing Briton.
2023-06-01 14:14:54

COP28: Record number of fossil fuel delegates at climate talks

Over 2,400 participants are linked to coal, oil and gas, four times more than attended last year's gathering.
2023-12-05 06:07:04

Residents 'terrified' after crossbow attacks

Two people are shot in east London in separate but "linked" attacks, police say.
2024-03-16 20:08:01

Uganda: 25 killed by militants in school attack

Soldiers are in pursuit of the attackers who are thought to be linked to the Islamic State group.
2023-06-17 09:10:49

China fines comedy troupe $2m for joke about the military

The joke had linked the behaviour of a comedian's dogs to a military slogan by President Xi Jinping.
2023-05-17 11:10:13

Honduras brings in curfews after night of violence

A night of violence sees at least 20 people murdered in attacks said to be linked to drug-trafficking.
2023-06-26 04:07:19

Syria says Damascus and Aleppo airports hit by Israeli missiles

Israel has previously hit targets in war-torn Syria linked to Iranian arms supplies.
2023-10-12 18:11:05

Spanish Church sexual abuse affected 200,000 children, commission finds

The country's first in-depth public inquiry into abuse linked to the Catholic Church presents its findings.
2023-10-27 21:07:24

Brain power dropped among over-50s during Covid-19 pandemic, study shows

Cognitive skills, such as memory, waned - possibly linked to stress, loneliness and alcohol, study shows.
2023-11-02 08:09:13

Ukraine war: Russian state media retract report of Russian retreat

The Russian defence ministry has blamed the report's publication on a "fake account" linked to Ukraine.
2023-11-13 14:07:59

Search warrant was issued for Donald Trump's Twitter account

Prosecutor Jack Smith requested data and records linked to the ex-president, unsealed files reveal.
2023-08-09 22:06:26

Tiger population growing in Himalayan kingdom Bhutan

The news comes as the world continues to grapple with the loss of species linked to climate change.
2023-07-29 12:16:57

Felújítják azt a szuperjachtot, amely Vlagyimir Putyiné lehet

Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnökhöz köthető szuperjachtot szerelnek át egy olasz kikötőben, annak ellenére, hogy tavaly az Európai Unió szankciói miatt lefoglalták azt ? írja a Financial Timesra hivatkozva a Bloomberg.
2023-08-07 03:24:01

Mi van a rejtélyes másik Wagner-géppel? ? Meglepő kijelentést tett az üzemeltető

A Jevgenyij Prigozsinhoz köthető másik Wagner-gépnek, amely a lezuhant géppel egy időben repült Moszkvából Szentpétervárra, semmilyen kapcsolata nincs és nem is volt a zsoldoscsoporttal ? mondta a Reutersnek a gépet üzemeltető cég vezérigazgatója.
2023-08-25 22:12:58

Aggódnak a tudósok: létrehoztak egy olyan gyógyszert, amely felgyorsítja a koronavírus mutációját

Továbbra is aggodalmukat fejezik ki a tudósok a Merck Lagevrio márkanéven forgalmazott molnupiravir, szájon át szedhető gyógyszere miatt, ugyanis fennáll a gyanú, hogy a gyógyszer felgyorsítja a koronavírus mutációját ? számol be a hírről a Bloomberg.
2023-09-25 22:17:34

BBC: Meghalt Prigozsin

A BBC közölte, hogy meghalt a Wagner vezetője, Jevgenyij Prigozsin, miután lezuhant a repülőgépe. A lap szerint kilenc további áldozata van a szerencsétlenségnek. #breaking ? Russian tg channels reporting that a private jet owned by Prigozhin has crashed. State emergency services confirm a jet crashed in Tver region and 10 dead Prigozhin-linked channel says plane was shot down (!!). Unclear if Prigozhin himself on board ? Polina Ivanova (@polinaivanovva) August 23, 2023 Több lap egyelőre visszafogottan fogalmaz az üggyel kapcsolatban, azt írják, repülőszerencsétlens...
2023-08-23 19:22:04

Húsbavágó kutatás jelent meg: rengeteg ember életét lehetne megmenteni ezzel a módszerrel

A globális felmelegedés és az épített környezet bővülése várhatóan fokozza a városok hősziget hatását (angolul urban heat island - UHI) és az ezzel kapcsolatos egészségügyi kockázatokat - írja honlapján az Európai Bizottság egy friss tanulmány alapján. A tanulmányból kiderült: az UHI-hatásnak tulajdonítható halálesetek Magyarországon is jelentősek.
2023-06-23 10:08:50

US and Mexico sound alarm over cosmetic surgery-linked fungal outbreak

The US and Mexico are urging the WHO to declare a public health emergency over the outbreak.
2023-05-27 13:12:55

Trade of highly addictive drug linked to Assad's family, BBC finds

Evidence shows members of the president's family and armed forces are involved in the Captagon trade.
2023-06-27 06:15:22

Facebook's spread not linked to psychological harm, study finds

A study found no evidence the platform's growth across 72 countries harmed wellbeing.
2023-08-09 05:16:46

Israeli Arabs demand action over spike in murders linked to organised crime

Groups calls for an emergency parliamentary debate on the crime wave, after four men are shot dead.
2023-08-23 19:40:59

Trudeau calls praise for Nazi-linked veteran 'deeply embarrassing'

A man who fought for the Waffen-SS was applauded in parliament during a visit by Ukraine's leader.
2023-09-26 02:06:52

Suicide website linked to 50 UK deaths still active despite warnings

Families are angry at the lack of action to shut it, despite multiple concerns from police and coroners.
2023-10-24 19:09:16

Israel Latest: US Strikes Two Iran-Linked Facilities in Syria

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2023-10-27 07:11:42

US strikes Syria bases used by Iran-linked groups

It follows a series of recent attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia, officials say.
2023-10-27 10:15:01

US carries out air strikes in Syria against Iran-linked facilities

Post Content
2023-11-13 01:06:53


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